Straw Bales and High Heels, Community Gardening with Maurice: Meagan Tehua


Megan Tehua

Current place of residence

Pataskala, OH

What is your current occupation/work?

I am currently a homemaker, taking care of an 8 month old as sustainably as I can and making whole foods and live foods for my family.   I consider myself an environmental educator and locavore.


When and where did you work with Maurice and for how long?

2009 (1.5 years) in Ohio


What kind of work did you do when you worked with Maurice?

Straw bale gardening, innovative planting (in round bales, on tables, using various design techniques), vermicomposting, community garden training.


What kind of growth/transformation happened for you (and/or for the people you served) because of your work with Maurice?

Cross cultural connections were made in a diverse county, youth and adults were inspired to grow and eat fresh produce.


How has working with Maurice benefitted you and/or uplifted you?

I learned about imagining a better future, setting goals, writing grants, and implementing community projects.   I have benefited from having Maurice as a friend and the multi-faceted ways he leads by example.


What would you say to someone who is interested in working with Maurice in the future?

Maurice is about holistic wellness and sustainable production.  He is great to work with because he cares.


Memories and Stories

Once at a Lincoln Park Community Garden class he wanted people to interact and see the garden as their space. He had nearly everyone standing on bales of hay and boards, including a lady in high heels!


A Few Words…

Maurice is able and willing to connect with people from all corners of the city and country.  He is a connector, educator, organizer, and promoter of good wages, ecologically grown food and live cultures.


Do it. You won't regret it. - Ms. Hattie Wilkins


Ode to an Urban Farm: Marla Hawkins