Large Group Coaching (5-7 people) with Maurice Small (Full Growing Season- 12 Months)

$1,000.00 every month for 1 year

Transform your team of 5-7 visionary growers into thriving experts with my guidance through a complete growing cycle spanning 12 months. We'll convene regularly through virtual meetings to strategize and turn your growing vision into reality. I'll share time-tested growing techniques, cost-effective soil-building methods, plant nourishment strategies, and innovative ideas for spatial organization and community building. Our dynamic interactions over the year will provide practical experience, real-time feedback, and the assurance that your goals are not just attainable but well within reach.

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Embark on a transformative 12-month journey to elevate your large team's gardening and farming endeavors with Maurice Small's Large Group (5-7 people) Training. Whether you aim to enhance your existing garden, embark on larger-scale farming, or integrate organic and permaculture techniques, Maurice offers personalized guidance and unwavering support.

Why Choose Maurice Small's Large Team (5-7 people) Training:

1. Interactive Expert Guidance:

 Join Maurice for highly interactive, personalized instruction, and be guided and supported at every stage of your growing process. With a commitment to your team's success, Maurice ensures that every member is equipped with the knowledge and confidence needed to achieve goals.

2. Flexible Communication:

 Connect with Maurice regularly via phone, tablet, or computer for clear communication and receive guidance tailored to your specific needs. Prepare to engage in research and homework sessions, maximizing the effectiveness of your training.

3. Time-Tested Learning Strategies:

 Benefit from a structured approach involving 2 hours/week of direct communication, 6-8 hours/week of independent study and physical work, and follow-up access for ongoing support. Maurice employs tailored learning strategies, ensuring your team's goals are met.

What's Included in the 12-Month Large Team Training:

- Direct Communication:

  Your team will have 2 hours per week of direct communication (via phone) with Maurice.

- Independent Study & Tasks:

  Engage in a total of 6-8 hours of independent study and physical work per week, completing assigned tasks to reinforce learning.

- Follow-Up Access:

  Benefit from email and/or text follow-up access with Maurice regarding assignments and tasks, fostering continuous progress.

Examples of Focus Areas:

Tailored to your team's goals, explore topics such as ongoing assessment of growing space, soil creation, garden design, composting, crop planning, organic farming methods, irrigation techniques, and more.

Proven Learning Strategies:

Leverage phone conversations, relevant readings, assignments, and a final project aligned with your personal and organizational goals. Maurice provides tailored, personalized strategies to meet and support your specific needs.

Team Requirements:

- Access to phone/text/email

- Ability to lift 30-50 pounds regularly

- Dedicated time for homework and study

- Willingness to work hard, regardless of challenges

- Some knowledge of gardening, farming, or permaculture practices

- Minimum of one year (12 months) hands-on gardening or farming experience

- Ability to "meet" virtually/on the phone with Maurice each week at the scheduled time

Embark on this comprehensive training experience with Maurice Small and invest in a thriving future for your small team's garden and farm vision. Gain valuable insights into seasonal variations, overcome challenges, and confidently achieve your goals with Maurice's time-tested expertise.



Maurice is a very inspirational teacher, mentor, and friend. I was amazed to learn through working with him how much gardening can transform communities. In Youngstown he showed us how the presence of a neighborhood garden had reduced drug trafficking and crime in the community, and in Raleigh we worked with formerly incarcerated individuals who were using gardening as a means to get back on their feet. He was definitely a huge inspiration and help in my own gardening projects during college and after graduation. I learned that gardens are not just a tool to improve food access, but can be a positive social force in many ways. During my later years in college, I led community service trips with Oberlin students and led them in gardening work at the school project in KY, similar to the role Maurice played when I first met him.
— Rachel M.